Post Tagged with: "wuha"

Essential Amharic

If there are any words a faranji, or foreigner, might be likely to learn when visiting Ethiopia, wuha and injera would easily make the top five; the former meaning water in Amharic, Ethiopia’s official language, the latter not having an English equivalent. Much of my recent time in Ethiopia was spent documenting the problems associated with getting wuha, easily the most fundamental of life’s necessities, but sadly quite hard to come by in a number of places in the world.  The video I shot and produced above shows the difficulties that people living in some rural areas of south-central Ethiopia have in accessing the resource.  Fast-paced and polished, this video will be used by ChildFund, Australia in an upcoming campaign to bring water to the area. Ethiopia is not entirely water-scarce; I hate to give that impression.  There are places in the country where cattle graze in plentiful, green pasture alongside rolling[…]

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