It pays to check out craigslist, especially if you’re a freelancer. In passing, I just sold a hand-truck in their classifieds for $10 within 30 minutes of posting it. Over in the the jobs section, when a request came up late last week for a fashion photographer, I responded immediately. This job was far different from the last one I got off craigslist, which was photographing a junior soccer league. Hey, anything to fill in the gaps.
Will West (shown above) is burgeoning a fashion designer out of Virginia Beach. He came to Richmond on Friday night to showcase his Don Bazaar clothing line at the Hyperlink Cafe.
I was brought on board to document the evening, from the models getting ready backstage to the last strut down the runway. Ending at two in the morning, this is one of the latest jobs I’ve ever had. However, it was well worth staying up late to be in such marvelously fine company.
It’s been since August since I’ve been out of the country and I’ve grown a bit restless being back home for a couple months. It was great to be able to pick up such interesting work during my time here in Richmond. Staying out of the country for weeks at a time and then coming home and getting jobs has proved a challenge, but I feel I feel I have kept the balance rather well this Fall. I leave for Haiti next week… wish me luck.